
Written by James, the brother of Jesus, The Epistle of James was the first book of the New Testament written and is all about what faith in Christ in action looks like.  As we seek to model our life of faith on the life of the early church no book of the Bible gives clearer guidance.  

Yet James is apropos for the times we live in, it touches on how to glorify God in trials, the danger of learning doctrine without putting it into action, the sin of partiality, the dangers of finding secutity in wealth, and so much more.  No book of the Bible speaks as clearly to the need to live out our faith in Christ in all areas of our lives.

If you want to grow in your Christian walk, no book of the Bible is more powerful than the one that is often callled "The Provebs of the New Testament."  Join us Sundays at 11:00 for a verse by verse exposition through the first book of the church, and learn more about living out your faith in Christ.